Since the 2020 edition, our races WILL NOT BE QUALIFIABLE for UTMB®
From the 2020th edition onwards, ehunmilak Ultra-Trail®, goierriko2haundiak and [...]
From the 2020th edition onwards, ehunmilak Ultra-Trail®, goierriko2haundiak and [...]
We already know the date in which the XIth [...]
The dates for the 11th edition of the [...]
Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB-ko azokan gaude!! [...]
Aurtengo ehunmilakeko errifaren zenbaki saritua 3717 izan da [...]
2019ko errifa sariduna zein den jakin nahi? 2019ko Uztailak [...]
#ehunmilak19 has finished! Thanks to everyone! [...]
GOIBERRIn argitaratua - 2019/07/05 Ehunmilak, Goierriko Bi Handiak eta [...]