Now that the inscriptions are getting closer, we want to inform you about some news for the next edition:
- goierriko 2 haundiak (g2h) will be the ultra-distance championship organized by the Basque Mountain Federation!
- The Basque Mountain Federation will also arrange for 2023 an ultra distance cup with 4 races and our g2h race will be the last scoring for it. The 4 races for the EMF Ultra Cup are:
- Enkarterri Extrem Trail (60km, Zaramillo, 2023/04/15)
- Domusa Teknik 40 MLK (65km, Azpeitia, 2023/05/06)
- EH Mendi Erronka (67km, Leitza, 2023/06/03)
- goierriko 2 haundiak (g2h) (88km, Beasain, 2023/07/07)