

106, 2021


June 1st, 2021|Categories: news|Tags: |0 Comments

Kaixo! How are you? After don´t celebrate the event on 2021, we are still in a difficult situation. The situation we live in is not easy or comfortable for anyone, but we are sure [...]

207, 2020

ehunmilak lasterketaren aurkezpen prentsaurrekoa

July 2nd, 2020|Categories: news|0 Comments

Gaur uztailak 2, ospatu behar zen ehunmilak lasterketaren aurkezpen prentsaurrekoa… Antolakuntzan ez gaude geldirik eta bideo hau zabaldu nahi izan dugu. Datozen egunetan berri gehiago izango dituzue! ehunmilakek bizirik dirau! #ehunmilak20 [...]

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