

2511, 2019

[remember] Reason of the request of the physical aptitude report and electrocardiogram

November 25th, 2019|Categories: news|0 Comments

Many thanks to Haritz Esnal, coordinator of Ehunmilak Ultra-Trail medical team, for his help in the making of this video and for his work in the evolution and improvement in the research and assistance [...]

511, 2019

Since the 2020 edition, our races WILL NOT BE QUALIFIABLE for UTMB®

November 5th, 2019|Categories: news|0 Comments

From the 2020th edition onwards, ehunmilak Ultra-Trail®, goierriko2haundiak and the marimurumendi marathon WILL NOT BE QUALIFIABLE for UTMB®. ehunmilak was born from the dream of a runner who travelled to Chamonix 14 years ago [...]

2308, 2019

We are in Salon Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc – UTMB! Come to visit us!…

August 23rd, 2019|Categories: news|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB-ko azokan gaude!! Gerturatu zaitezte guregana! ------------- Os estamos esperando en el Salón Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB!! No dudéis en pasar por aquí! ------------ We are [...]

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