

2112, 2016

Zerbait ondo egiten ari garelakoan gaude!

December 21st, 2016|Categories: news|0 Comments

2016ko Beasaingo kirol sarietan 3 sari egokitu zaizkio ehunmilak-eko familiari: - KIROL JARDUERARI SARIA: Ehunmilaken 7. edizioa - BOLUNTARIOARI SARIA: Ehunmilakeko boluntario familia guztiarentzat - KIROL IBILBIDEARI SARIA: Ehunmilak 2010-2016 Mila esker denoi eta jarrai [...]

1212, 2016

Marimurumendi Marathon: FULL. Waiting list opened

December 12th, 2016|Categories: news, Unclassified|0 Comments

The marimurumendi marathon (mmm) race has reached its maximum number of inscriptions. Therefore according to article 6 of the race regulations, a waiting list has been created and it will be opened until the registration [...]

612, 2016

Ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® has been chosen as the best Ultra-Trail race of 2016

December 6th, 2016|Categories: news|0 Comments

Ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® has been chosen as the best Ultra-Trail race of 2016 by the readers of the web Carreras por montaña! Thank you very much!!   Link:

311, 2016


November 3rd, 2016|Categories: news, Unclassified|Tags: , |0 Comments

EHUNMILAK 2017 ABRE INSCRIPCIONES 3NOV La 8ª edición de las cien millas vascas celebrará 7-9 de Julio sus tres pruebas: “Ehunmilak”, “Goierriko 2 Haundiak” y “Marimurumendi” Hoy arranca la octava edición de la Ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® [...]

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