Reason of the request of the physical aptitude report and electrocardiogram
We have made a video to explain why Ehunmilak Ultra-Trail asks for a physical aptitude report and electrocardiogram. Summing up the content of the video, we want to explain the aptirude report is exclusively [...]
Mediku eta gaitasun txostena eta elektrokardiograma
goierriko2haundiak (g2h) lasterketan izena eman duzu, baina oraindik ez diguzu mediku eta gaitasun txostena, eta atseden-egoeran egindako elektrokardiograma bidali. Gogoratu izen-ematea ontzat emateko ezinbestekoa izango dela korrikalariak bi dokumentu horiek antolakuntzari helaraztea (araudiaren [...]
Ehunmilak al mundo mediante Herriak Elkarlanean
Hemos donado 6 cajas de camisetas de voluntarios, que van sobrando de varios años, a Herriak Elkarlanean para que las envíen a diferentes lugares del mundo. [...]
Konturatuko zinetenez, arazoak izan dira ehunmilak proiektua osatzen duten karreretako izen-emateen kudeaketan. Izen emateak atzo arratsaldeko 17etan hasi ziren, baina Rockthesport plataformak arazoak izan zituen izena emateko prozesuan, bai egiaztagirien sorreran, bai izen-emate zerrenden [...]
ehunmilak: chance to take part in teams
ehunmilak: chance to take part in teams In the main race, ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® (171km), you can participate in teams, there will be clashing and awards. Teams for the ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® race will be [...]
The main race of ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® (171km), in 2024 will be a qualifying race for the “Hardrock 100 mile endurance run”, which takes place in Colorado (USA). #ehunmilak24
We have adapted the distances and elevations of the races included in the ehunmilak project. Despite the time since the last edition, the members of the ehunmilak organization are still working to improve [...]