The second cut of enrolments of ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® (ehm), goierriko bi haundiak trail (g2h) and marimurumendi maratón (mmm) was done last Thursday with 1164 runners enrolled. The third and the last period of enrolment will remain opened until the 7th of June.
The current number of runners enrolled is 1164, which is a new record taking into account all the editions. It is distinguishable that since some months ago the enrollments of g2h (515 runners) and mmm (265 runners) are full, although that the current number of runners enrolled in ehunmilak, 384 runners, is a new record. We have to add that the last enrolment period is open and we hope that this number will increase.
We want to remind all the runners and interested people that in the ehunmilak Ultra-Trail® (168km) the runners have the opportunity to run in 2 different categories: individually or by teams. In the category of team, each team will be made up by 3 runners, until this moment we have 14 teams registered.