• The 10th edition of the ehunmilak trilogy will be on 12th, 13th, 14th of July.
  • Registrations will be opened on the 8th of November at 5:00 p.m.!
  • The registrations will be done by the “Rock the Sport
  • Some articles of the race regulations have been actualized.

The 9th edition left us bad feelings and with the objective to build the 10th edition, the organization is already immersed in the preparations of the 3 races that are part of the ehunmilak 2019 project.

Registrations will be opened on the 8th of November at 5:00 p.m.!! The race bibs will be share out in this way: ehunmilak 515 race bibs, goierriko 2 haundiak 515 race bibs, marimurumendi 265 ra

This edition involves a series of changes. First of all, we will be using the RockTheSport registration platform. The link to register for the three races will soon be made available on our web page. The registration fee, with the exception of registration for the waiting list, must be paid by card at the time of registration. The registration will not be considered valid until this fee has been paid and it is not possible to register multiple runners.

After completing the registration process, you will receive confirmation of the same. This year you will be required to present this confirmation when picking up the race bib.

Once this registration process has been completed, remember that in order for it to be considered binding you must send the medical documentation within the time period indicated in Article 7 of the Rules and Regulations. Failure to do so will lead to your registration being cancelled automatically, and the fee will not be refunded.

When you register you can choose to contract the SMS race tracking service. Should you contract this service, the organisation will send information (when there is coverage) to the telephone numbers indicated regarding position and the times at which the participant passes through the control points. This service may be contracted until 12 July 2019 with a cost per telephone number of 2 Euros for ehunmilak and 1 Euro for goierriko2haundiak or the marathon. A maximum of 2 telephone numbers may be registered. Once this service has been contracted, the telephone numbers may be modified at no additional cost within this time period.

In this edition disposable chips will be used for timekeeping, which means that in the marathon it will not be possible to use the yellow chip belonging to the competitor. The registration form will not provide the option of entering the code from the yellow chip.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, when a competitor is registered by a third party the competitor in whose name the registration is made must send the organisation the signed “Registration by Third Parties” clause within one week. The organisation will contact these competitors to provide further information about this procedure.

Finally, we recommend reading the Race Rules and Regulations.

All of the relevant information is available at

Thank you for trusting in ehunmilak!